Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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200 lines
* Listing 15 -- churnx.c
* This is a utility program used to test compression/decompression
* programs for accuracy, speed, and compression ratios. Calling
* CHURN.EXE with a single argument will cause CHURN to compress then
* decompress every file in the specified directory tree, checking the
* compression ratio and the accuracy of the operation. This is a good
* program to run overnight when you think your new algorithm works
* properly.
* This program will presently compile on my SCO Xenix system.
* I don't know if the directory access and time routines are portable
* to other *NIX systems.
* To build this program:
* cc -o churnx churnx.c -lx
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/ndir.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
* Some global variables.
long total_input_bytes;
long total_output_bytes;
* Declarations for global routines.
void churn_files( char *path );
void close_all_the_files( void );
int compress( char *file_name );
* main() doesn't have to do a whole lot in this program. It
* reads in the command line to determine what the root directory
* to start looking at is, then it initializes the total byte counts
* and the start time. It can then call churn_files(), which does all
* the work, then report on the statistics resulting from churn_files.
void main( int argc, char *argv[] )
long int start_time;
long int stop_time;
char argument[ 81 ];
if ( argc < 2 )
strcpy( argument, "/" );
strcpy( argument, argv[ 1 ] );
total_input_bytes = 0L;
total_output_bytes = 0L;
start_time = time( (long *) 0 );
churn_files( argument );
stop_time = time( (long *) 0 );
printf( "%ld seconds elapsed time\n", stop_time - start_time );
printf( "Total input bytes: %8ld: \n", total_input_bytes );
printf( "Total output bytes: %8ld: \n", total_output_bytes );
printf( "Reduction:%ld%% ",
100L - ( ( 100L * total_output_bytes) / total_input_bytes ) );
printf( "Bits per byte: %f\n",
8.0 * total_output_bytes / total_input_bytes );
* churn_files() is a routine that sits in a loop looking at
* files in the directory specified by its single argument, "path".
* As each file is looked at, one of three things happens. If it
* is a normal file, and has a compressed extension name, like ".ZIP",
* the file is ignored. If it is a normal file, and doesn't have a
* compressed extension name, it is compressed and decompressed by
* another routine. Finally, if the file is a subdirectory,
* churn_files() is called recursively with the file name as its
* path argument. This is one of those rare routines where recursion
* provides a way to truly simplify the task at hand.
void churn_files( char *path )
DIR *dirp;
struct direct *entry;
struct stat buf;
char full_name[ 81 ];
dirp = opendir( path );
if ( dirp == NULL )
printf( "Error opening directory %s\n", path );
exit( -1 );
for ( entry=readdir(dirp) ; entry != NULL ; entry=readdir(dirp) )
if ( entry->d_name[0] != '.' )
strcpy( full_name, path );
strcat( full_name, "/" );
strcat( full_name, entry->d_name );
if ( stat( full_name, &buf ) == -1 )
printf( "Error reading stat from file %s!\n", full_name );
exit( -1 );
if ( buf.st_mode & 040000 )
churn_files( full_name );
fprintf( stderr, "Testing %s\n", full_name );
if ( !compress( full_name ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Comparison failed!\n" );
* This is the routine that does the majority of the work for
* this program. It takes a file whose name is passed here. It then
* compresses, then decompresses that file. It then compares the file
* to the decompressed output, and reports on the results.
FILE *input;
FILE *output;
FILE *compressed;
int compress( char *file_name )
long new_size;
long old_size;
char command_line[132];
int c;
fflush( stdout );
printf( "%s\n", file_name );
sprintf( command_line, "./comp-1 -f %s\n", file_name );
system( command_line );
sprintf( command_line, "./expand-1\n" );
system( command_line );
input = fopen( file_name, "rb" );
output = fopen( "test.out", "rb" );
compressed = fopen( "test.cmp", "rb" );
if ( input == NULL || output == NULL || compressed == NULL )
printf( "Failed, couldn't open file!\n" );
return( 0 );
fseek( input, 0L, 2 );
old_size = ftell( input );
fseek( input, 0L, 0 );
fseek( compressed, 0L, 2 );
new_size = ftell( compressed );
printf( "Old size: %8ld: ", old_size );
printf( "New size: %8ld\n", new_size );
if ( old_size == 0L )
old_size = 1L;
printf( "Reduction: %ld%% ",
100L - ( ( 100L * new_size ) / old_size ) );
printf( "Bits per byte: %f\n", 8.0 * new_size / old_size );
total_input_bytes += old_size;
total_output_bytes += new_size;
c = getc( input );
if ( getc( output ) != c )
printf( "Failed comparison!\n" );
return( 0 );
while ( c != EOF );
printf( "File compare passed.\n" );
return( 1 );
void close_all_the_files()
if ( input != NULL )
fclose( input );
if ( output != NULL )
fclose( output );
if ( compressed != NULL )
fclose( compressed );